Child Passenger Safety
Car Seat Assistance

Car Seat Educaton
Informative and Compassionate
Help Choose a Seat
Which one is right for my child?
Installation Help
You can do it!
Car Seat Services
Providing help with choosing and obtaining a car seat for your children

Did you know 7 out of 10 car seats are improperly installed? As a Certified Car Seat Tech, I will provide education regarding the proper use of car seats to help keep your child(ren) safe.

Help with choices
With so many choices of car seats out there and the cost of car seats, it can be overwhelming to choose the best seat for you. I cannot make the choice for you, but I can bring various options to your attention. Did you know MN Medical Assistance will provide a car seat for your child?
(some restrictions apply)

Help with installation
Installation of your car seat can get tricky. Sometimes it is hard to tell if you have done it properly. As a Certified Car Seat Tech, I am available to check and see if your installation is correct and/or help you correct any errors in installation.